Prayers of the People—Epiphany 6B
Sing to the Lord, you servants of the Lord! With thankful hearts, let us pray: “Hear, O Lord; have mercy upon us.”
Healing God, give us hearts to love the lonely, give us hands to touch the hurting, give us courage to speak your grace to the suffering. May your Church be a place of new life.
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.
God of Elisha, raise up prophets to speak healing into the relationships of the nations. May we see an end to war; may the captives be set free.
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.
God of creation, you give us water to make us clean, to refresh our bodies. We pray that you refresh the waters also. And forgive us for our neglect and misuse of your precious gift.
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.
God our helper, defend those who enforce our laws. May all police officers strive for justice and peace. Bless all those who work to protect our city and communities.
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.
God, the restorer of health, hear the prayers of those who cry out to you. Turn their wailing into dancing; clothe them with joy instead of sack-cloth.
I ask your petitions, followed by Silence
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.
O God, giver of life, you do not abandon your people to the grave. Assure us with the hope of resurrection and your promise of favor forevermore.
Hear, O Lord;
have mercy upon us.